
Digital Innovation Labs – BOT - (Build Operate Transfer)

BOT is generally associated with project financing, public-private partnerships, and infrastructure. It can be referred to as an outsourcing model as well. BOT is usually involved in large projects.  In the BOT framework a public administration signs a concession agreement with a private firm to design, build, operate and maintain the project and facilities till the concession agreement expires. During this period the private party has the responsibility to raise the finance for the project and is entitled to retain all revenues generated by the project.

Once the agreement is expired or as per their mutual understanding, the entire operation will then be transferred from the outsourcing partner to the owner company. From there on the public administration will be fully operating and controlling the project that was erstwhile being managed and controlled by the outsourcing partner.

Build Stage – The outsourcing company controls the whole project from administrative tasks to build infrastructure requiring personnel and other resources.

Operate Stage – The outsourcing company manages all operational services including recruitment, training, finance and accounting, payroll, IT management, quality assurance, etc. But also at the same time, they are entitled to retain all revenues generated by the project.

Transfer Stage – Project owing company can decide any time to take over the whole project. It is not necessary for them to wait for the contractual period to finish. The outsourcing company will support the transition until it is eventually out of the picture.

Build–operate–transfer (BOT) is a type of financing venture wherein a private element gets a concession from the private or open area to fund, outline, develop, and work an office expressed in the concession contract. This empowers the venture to advocate to recuperate its speculation, working and upkeep costs in the venture. The long-haul nature of the course of action, the expenses are normally raised amid the concession time frame. The rate of increment is regularly attached to a mix of inside and outside factors, enabling the defender to achieve an agreeable inward rate of return for its venture. Research and development exercises vary from foundation to foundation. There are two essential models of an R&D:

  • First, staffed by specialists and entrusted with specifically growing new items.
  • Second, staffed by mechanical researchers and entrusted with connected research in logical or innovative fields which may encourage future item advancement.

We Innotatz-IT are a pioneer in IT innovation and follow BOT framework for any outsourcing project. Being on the outsourcing side of the BOT model, we maintain a transparency, efficiency, and quality with a smooth flow of work. We help you achieve your business objectives under your directions. During the transfer stage, we give you the option to retain the same individuals together with the complete processes that brought positive results. We not only create a dedicated offshore development center for your growing business requirements but also provide you with innovative and cost-effective solutions for your business expansion plans.

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