
Industry 4.0

Empowering Industrial growth by Embracing the Benefits of Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is an influential and revolutionizing tool that allows industries to collate and analyze data across machines, enabling faster, more flexible, and more efficient processes to produce higher-quality goods at reduced costs.

At Innotatz-IT, we are providing solutions based on industry 4.0 to increase the productivity of manufacturing units. As per the experience of our team, this revolutionizing technology ultimately changing the competitiveness of companies and regions.

We provide a well planned new production strategy to the manufacturing units using Industry 4.0. Thus the suppliers, producers, and consumers can communicate using humans and machines

Adopting Industry 4.0

Companies like ours are facing formidable challenges in the adoption of new technologies like Industry 4.0. To build and sustain a lead in the race to full implementation, we help our clients to broaden and deepen their practical knowledge about digital technologies and the related use cases. The second step is to develop and implement tailored digital manufacturing strategies. Here, Industry 4.0 acts as a driving force to revitalize the manufacturing process by bringing visible changes in the operations.

Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges

Anticipating the way technology is influencing our day to day life, no one can escape the Industry 4.0 revolution- the current trend of application of digital technologies in the industrial production chain. The regular challenges that  companies like ours are facing in the implementation of Industry 4.0 are;

  • IT security issues
  • Reliability and Stability needed for critical M2M communication
  • Maintaining the integrity of the production process
  • Avoid expensive production outrage (IT)
  • Lack of sufficient skillsets
  • Lack of regulation, standard and forms of certification
  • Process of automation reduces the manpower which is not affordable
Our Services:      

 Some of the services that we provide to implement Industry 4.0 are;

  • Dynamic Data Exchange
  • Cyber-Physical systems
  • Internet of things
  • Cloud Migration
  • Big Data
  • Cognitive Computing

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